Chekhov May “17”, 2018
1.1. The present Terms of service (further – the Agreement) belongs to the website of the Aquatoria Yachting company, and to all connected websites (,,, connected with the website
1.2. The website of the Aquatoria Yachting Internet resource (further – the Website) is the property of LLC Aquatoria, "Private entrepreneur (further – PE) Logushkin Yury Alekseyevich".
1.3. The present Agreement governs the relations between Administration of the website “Aquatoria Yachting” Internet resource (further – Administration of the website) and the User of this Website.
1.4. The administration of the website reserves the right at any time to change, add or delete paragraphs of the present Agreement without notice of the User.
1.5. Continuation of use of the Website by the User means adoption of the Agreement and the changes made to the present Agreement.
1.6. The user bears personal responsibility for verification of the present Agreement on existence of changes in him.
2.1. The listed below terms have the following value for the present Agreement:
2.1.1 The LLC Aquatoria company, "PE Logushkin Yury Alekseyevich" located on the domain name,,,, – further “the Internet resource”.
2.1.2. An Internet resource – the website containing information on Goods: (Regattas, Flotillas, Tours, Training, Charter, Sale) allowing to carry out the choice, the order and (or) purchase of goods.
2.1.3. Administration of the website of the Internet resource – the authorized employees on management of the Website acting on behalf of LLC Aquatoria.
2.1.4. The user of the website of the Internet resource (further the User) – the person having access to the Website, by means of the Internet and using the Website.
2.1.5. Site content of the Internet resource (further – Contents) - the protected results of intellectual activity, including texts, their names, prefaces, summaries, articles, illustrations, covers, pieces of music with the text or without text, graphic, text, photographic, derivative, compound and other works, the user interfaces, visual interfaces, names of trademarks, logos, the computer programs, databases and also design, structure, the choice, coordination, appearance, the general style and an arrangement of this Contents which is the part of the Website and other intellectual property items all together and/or separately contained on the Internet resource website.
2.1.6. "Personal data" - any information relating directly or indirectly to the defined or determined natural person (the subject of personal data).
2.1.7. "Processing of personal data" - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) made with use of the automation equipment or without use of such means with personal data, including collecting, record, systematization, accumulation, storage, specification (updating, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, granting, access), depersonalization, blocking, removal, destruction of personal data.
2.1.8. "Confidentiality of personal data" - obligatory observance by the Operator or any other person having got access to personal data by the requirement not to allow their distribution without the consent of the subject of personal data or existence of other legal basis.
3.1. A subject of the present Agreement is providing to the User of the Internet resource of access to the Goods which are contained on the Website and to the rendered services.
3.1.1. The Internet resource provides to the User the following types of service (services):
3.1.2. All existing (really functioning) at the moment services of the Internet resource and also any their subsequent modifications and additional services of the Internet resource appearing further fall under operation of the present Agreement.
3.2. Access to the Internet resource is provided on a free basis by registration.
3.3. The present Agreement is the public offer. Getting access to the Website the User is considered joined the present Agreement.
3.4. Use of materials and services of the Website is regulated by standards of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.1. The administration of the website has the right:
4.1.1. To change instructions for use the Website and also to change the maintenance of this Website. Changes come into force from the moment of the publication of new edition of the Agreement on the Website.
4.1.2. To limit access to the Website in case of violation by the User of conditions of the present Agreement.
4.2. The user has the right:
4.2.1. To get access to use of the Website after observance of requirements about registration.
4.2.2. To use all services which are available on the Website and also to buy any Goods offered on the Website.
4.2.3. To ask any questions relating to services of the Internet resource in requisites (company details) which are in the section of the Website "Contacts".
4.2.4. To use the Website only for and an order, provided by the Agreement and not forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. The user of the website agrees:
4.3.1. To provide additional information which has a direct bearing on the provided services of this Website at the request of Administration of the website.
4.3.2. To observe the property and non-property rights of authors and other owners when using the Website.
4.3.3. Not to take actions which can be considered as breaking normal work of the Website.
4.3.4. Not to extend with use of the Website any confidential and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation information on natural or legal entities.
4.3.5. To avoid any actions as a result of which confidentiality of information protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation can be broken.
4.3.6. Not to use the Website for dissemination of information with advertising character, differently as with the consent of Administration of the website.
4.3.7. Not to use services of the website of the Internet resource on purpose: motives to commission of illegal acts and also assistance to persons whose actions are directed to violation of the restrictions and the interdictions operating in the territory of the Russian Federation. violation of the rights of minors and (or) causing harm by it in any form. infringements of the rights of minorities. represent falsely oneself to be another person or the representative of the organization and (or) community without the sufficient rights on that, including for employees of this Internet resource. deceptions concerning properties and characteristics of any Goods from the catalog of the Internet resource posted on the Website. incorrect comparison of Goods and also formation of negative attitude to the persons which aren't using certain Goods or condemnation of such persons.
4.4. It is forbidden to the user:
4.4.1. To use any devices, programs, procedures, algorithms and methods, automatic devices or equivalent manual processes for access, acquisition, copying or tracking of site content of this Internet resource;
4.4.2. To break appropriate functioning of the Website;
4.4.3. In any way to bypass navigation structure of the Website for receiving or attempt of obtaining any information, documents or materials by all means which are specially not submitted by services of this Website;
4.4.4. Unauthorized access to the functions of the Website, any other systems or networks relating to this Website and also to any services offered on the Website;
4.4.4. To break a security system or authentications on the Website or in any network relating to the Website.
4.4.5. To carry out the return search, to trace or try to trace any information on any other user of the website.
4.4.6. To use the Website and its Contents in any purposes forbidden by the legislation of the Russian Federation and also to incite to any illegal activity or other activity violating the rights of the Internet resource or other persons.
5.1. The website and the Contents which is a part of the Website belong to Administration of the website and are operated by it.
5.2. Site content can't be copied, published, reproduced, transferred or widespread in any way and also placed in global network "Internet" without preliminary written consent of Administration of the website.
5.3. Site content is protected by copyright, the legislation on trademarks and also other rights connected with intellectual property, and the legislation on unfair competition.
5.4. Purchase of goods, offered on the Website, can demand creation of User account.
5.5. The user bears personal responsibility for maintaining confidentiality of information of the account, including the password and also for one and all activity which is conducted from an account user name.
5.6. The user has to notify Administration of the website on unauthorized use of his account or password or any other violation of a security system immediately.
5.7. The administration of the website has the right to unilaterally cancel the account of the User if it wasn't used more than 6 (six) calendar months in a row without notice of the User.
5.7. The present Agreement extends the actions to all additional regulations and conditions on purchase of Goods and to rendering the services provided on the Website.
5.8. Information posted on the Website shouldn't be interpreted as change of the present Agreement.
5.9. The administration of the website has the right at any time without notice of the User to make changes to the inventory and the services offered on the Website and (or) to the prices applicable to such Goods on their realization and (or) the rendered services the Internet resource.
6.1. Any losses which the User can incur in case of deliberate or careless violation of any provision of the present Agreement and also owing to unauthorized access to communications of other User, Administration of the website aren't compensated.
6.2. The administration of the website doesn't bear responsibility for:
6.2.1. Delays or the failures in process of commission of operation which have arisen owing to force majeure and also any case of malfunctions in telecommunication, computer, electric and other adjacent systems.
6.2.2. Actions of systems of the translations, banks, payment service providers and for the delays connected with their work.
6.2.3. Appropriate functioning of the Website in case the User has no necessary technical means for his use and also doesn't incur any obligations for providing users with such means.
7.1. The administration of the website has the right to open any information collected about the User of this Website if disclosure is necessary in connection with investigation or the complaint concerning unauthorized use of the Website or for establishment (identification) of the User who can break or interfere with the rights of Administration of the website or with the rights of other Users of the Website.
7.2. The administration of the website has the right to open any information on the User which will count necessary for implementation of provisions of the current legislation or judgments, ensuring performance of conditions of the present Agreement, protection of the rights or safety of LLC Aquatoria, Users.
7.3. The administration of the website has the right to open information on the User if the current legislation of the Russian Federation demands or allows such disclosure.
7.4. Administration of the website has the right to stop and block the access to the Website for the User without prior notice if the User has violated the present Agreement or conditions of use of the Website which are contained in other documents and also in case of cancellation of the Website or because of a technical malfunction or a problem.
7.5. The administration of the website doesn't bear responsibility to the User or the third parties for the termination of access to the Website in case of violation by the User of any provision of the present Agreement or other document containing conditions of use of the Website.
8.1. The real Privacy policy establishes obligations of Administration of the website of an Internet resource for nondisclosure and providing the mode of protection of confidentiality of personal data which the User provides at the request of Administration of the website at registration on the website of an Internet resource.
8.1. Use by the User of the website of the Internet resource means consent with the real Privacy policy and conditions of processing of personal user information.
8.2. In case of disagreement with Privacy policy conditions the User has to stop use of the website of the Internet resource.
2.4. The administration of the website doesn't check reliability of the personal data provided by the User of the website of the Internet resource.
8.2. The personal data allowed for processing within the real Privacy policy is provided by the User by filling of a registration form on the Website of the Aquatoria Yachting Internet resource and includes the following information:
9.1. Administration of the website the Internet-resource can use personal user information for:
10.1. Processing of personal user information is carried out without restriction of term, any lawful way, including in information systems of personal data with use of the automation equipment or without use of such means.
10.2. The user agrees that the Administration of the website has the right to transfer personal data to the third parties, in particular, to courier services, the organizations of a mail service, to operators of telecommunication, is exclusive for implementation of the order of the User issued on the Website of the Internet resource "Aquatoria Yachting" including delivery of Goods.
11.1. In case of any disagreements or disputes between the Parties of the present Agreement an indispensable condition before appeal to the court is presentation of a claim (the written offer on voluntary settlement of a dispute).
11.2. The recipient of a claim within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receiving, in writing notifies the applicant of a claim on results of consideration of a claim.
11.3. At impossibility to resolve a dispute in a voluntary order any of the Parties has the right to appeal to court behind protection of the rights which are granted to them by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.4. Any claim concerning conditions of use of the Website has to be made during term after emergence of the bases for the claim, except for protection of copyright of the Website materials protected according to the legislation. At violation of conditions given point any claim or the grounds for the claim are repaid by limitation period.
12.1. The administration of the website doesn't accept counter offers from the User concerning changes of the present Terms of service.
12.2. The User's responses posted on the Website aren't confidential information and can be used by Administration of the website without restrictions.
It is updated on May "17", 2018.